Our Mission

Connecting and growing people in the Real Hope of Jesus Christ


 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

Our Vision

To be a gospel-sharing church community. We aim to equip people to hold unswervingly in their hearts, minds, and actions, to the hope of Jesus provided by His grace.

Connecting and Growing in the Real Hope of Jesus

Hope to Connect with God

We believe that the most important thing is for each of us (and you!) to be connected with God. Jesus, by His life, death, and resurrection provided us with Real Hope for that connection. By accepting His grace, He makes that hope a reality.

Hope for New and Eternal Life

Jesus' hope also gives us new and eternal life. He meets us where we are, but doesn't leave us where we are. Jesus offers us new and abundant eternal life which can start right now!

Hope for Relationship

Everyone knows that relationships are messy and hard sometimes, but they are also fulfilling! Only through Jesus can we experience truly fulfilling relationships with each other. Moreover, Jesus proved on the cross and in the empty tomb that even in the darkest moments when all seems lost, there is still hope! 

Hope for Our World

Our world is beautiful! Here in Deep River, we have the privilege of enjoying the Ottawa River, close access to Algonquin Park, tremendous trails in and around our community, and much more! Yet, we cannot escape the fact that our world, though full of God's creative beauty, is marred by brokenness, hurt, and pain. We celebrate the fact that Jesus offers our world Real Hope that supersedes whatever may be happening around us. As we set our sights on His return and renewal of creation, we catch glimpses of His redemptive work break through in marvelous ways.